Love Paige (aka On The Pull)
I apologise in advance to the person who ambitiously keeps googling "Paige+Harrison+Sex".
(I keep telling him/her that they need to provide a photograph of himself/her partner to have any chance of success!) This post is designed to pull together various strands and comments from the last few days.
As most of you will have gathered by now, I'm not a finisher. Never have been ; Never will be. I have so many good intentions that never get anywhere. Paul Omani has quite rightly pointed out, I'm one for the big challenges. Perhaps it's my French heritage? However, once I can see a solution, I lose all interest. Executing the solution is less important, for me, than conceiving it.
I threw out a sugggestion about setting up a "blog review" meme thingy. Several bloggers said that they'd be up for it. Alas, I've been unable to settle on a single blog to review. I keep reading more and more blogs (which isn't a bad thing). Another idea not executed!
Paul + I previously discussed writing a new constitution and we got as far as a preamble. In the absence of any other encouragement, this thing petered out. Mindful of my habit of rapidly losing interest, I realise I need a new strategy. I need to breakdown the grand challenge to a series of important steps and I need to engage someone with the persistence of my 'Sex-with-Paige' googling friend. So I think we should build up to this consititutional challenge by designing the flag (suggestion here), emblem (suggestions welcomed) and composing a national anthem (one that Brian Kennedy and Northside thugs can sing).
We don't want to get ahead of ourselves!
For a serious analysis of the above topics check out JL, Rinceoir, Redmum, Fiona